Hari Perempuan Internasional diperingati dunia pada tanggal 8 Maret setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2021 ini, International Women’s Day menjadi momen yang tepat untuk mengapresiasi perjuangan para wanita dengan beragam peran dari berbagai latar belakang, status sosial dan pekerjan, dalam menghadapi situasi pandemi COVID-19. Untuk ikut merayakan kebersamaan dan mendukung sosok perempuan di seluruh dunia, OZIP merangkum kisah-kisah wanita yang inspiratif dengan keunikan mereka masing-masing.
Monalisa Hainsworth (Melbourne, Australia)
Tahun 2020 adalah tahun yang berat untuk siapapun di muka bumi ini. Khususnya untuk saya yang harus kembali masuk kerja setelah 2 tahun cuti hamil dan melahirkan, dan di tengah-tengah sebuah world pandemic. Sebagai seorang essential worker, saya tetap harus pergi bekerja selama lockdown di Melbourne. Saya juga sambil menjalani studi masters di Deakin University. Tantangan yang terberat buat saya adalah bagaimana membagi waktu antara kerja, anak-anak yang masih kecil (8 tahun & 2 tahun), rumah tangga, dan studi saya. Saya benar-benar harus mempunyai good time-management. Apalagi selama beberapa bulan lockdown di Melbourne, anak saya yang pertama harus “home learning”. Bertambah lagi tantangan buat saya sebagai seorang ibu.
Saya bersyukur suami selalu men-support sehingga kami dapat menghadapi dan mengatur semuanya bersama-sama. Memang tidak mudah, tapi saya percaya kalau kita punya niat yang baik, mau berusaha dan tidak gampang menyerah, tak ada yang tak mungkin. Ketika merasa kesulitan, penuh kekhawatiran, coba jalani satu persatu dan stay positive. Always try to keep a bit of blue sky over your life. The clouds won’t stay forever.
Ria Troost (Friesland, Netherlands)
Being a district nurse during this pandemic has been challenging. Of course, there is the risk of infection due to physical interaction, but more than that, it affected me mentally because of the distressing circumstances of my patients. Some of them haven’t seen or hugged their children or grand children for more than a year. The deep feeling of loneliness among the elderly and those with dementia is a growing problem during the pandemic. I am grateful to be able to take a good care for them. Besides, I feel relieved that I have been vaccinated as a way to reduce the risk of infection for a medical worker like me, which is hopefully being the light at the end of this dark tunnel known as the pandemic.
While gyms are closed and all team sports are cancelled, cycling together is how my family keep ourselves healthy, both mentally and physically. Besides, cycling keeps me and my daughter Lotte fit while we can talk and enjoy the agrarian surrounding of the province where we live (Friesland, north of the Netherlands).
Lotte Troost (Friesland, Netherlands)
When my mum returns home from her shift with the patients, I realised that being together and being healthy is not taken for granted by everyone. I was away from home, in Bandung, for my study program when the first case of COVID-19 occured in Indonesia. The situation forced me to leave my beloved Bandung and be separated from my Indonesian friends. I had no choice other than went back home to Netherlands.
This pandemic has taught me to enjoy and value the little and simple things more; with my sudden departure from Bandung, I had learned how quickly things can change. It has been challenging in several ways, and one of them is that we lost control of our daily routine due to public places, schools and restaurants being closed. Exercising in a group is not allowed anymore and being restricted. By cycling, I could regain a little bit of my control, such as being in control of my route, my speed and the distance. So, a sunny bicycle ride with my mum in our area is very precious and helps us to stay healthy!
Being home and living together again with my mum has made our bond even more stronger. Mum and I often talk about the current situation and about how we feel. But most importantly, we discuss our ambitions. Despite all these uncertainties, Mum always encourages me to stay hopeful and keep faith in my dreams. She is my true example of persevering woman and she is always trying to help other people.
Teks: Evelynd
Foto: Dokumentasi pribadi Evelynd