Riche Consulting

Riche Consulting Pty Ltd berdiri sejak tahun 2009 saat ini memiliki 2 kantor, pertama di Chatswood, Sydney dan di Mount Waverley, Melbourne, dan segera dibuka kantor cabang di Brisbane.  Bekerjasama dengan partner yang terdiri dari para Accountant / Financial Planner dan Mortgage Broker serta Real Estate Agent yang memiliki kualikasi dan dedikasi yang tinggi melayani calon investor dengan memberikan solusi bagaimana memulai investasi dengan melihat latar belakang dan kemampuan masing-masing, lalu mempersiapkan client dengan tujuan jangka pendek dan membantu perencanaan jangka Panjang dengan langkah-langkah dan strategi yang tepat.

Riche Team terdiri dari para profesional dari berbagai etnis dan Bahasa seperti Korea, Jepang, China dan salah satu cara yang dilakukan Riche Consulting adalah mengadakan Seminar dengan mengundang calon investor dari berbagai kalangan dan dalam berbagai bahasa sedangkan Nara Sumber yang diundang adalah orang-orang yang berpengalaman di bidang property dan keuangan.

Berikut pesan Miyi selaku pimpinan Riche Consulting

Timing and Affordability 

Hello…….. I’m Miyi Kim, Managing Director in Riche Consulting Sydney and Melbourne. We’re a Corporate licensed agent of Property and we have been running the property seminar for First Home Buyer and Investor since 2009. Whenever I hold seminars, one of the most frequently asked questions is ‘When the good time is to buy a house?’ 

This question had been consistently coming up since 2007 when the economy was booming, and in 2008 when the economy was collapsing due to the global financial crisis. So, I wondered, why is this same question brought up all the time? I concluded that it is because people treat real estate market like the stock exchange where you buy shares at the lowest and sell them at the highest in a very short span of time. However, unlike the shares market, your affordability is more critical than timing in the property market. For instance, timing is entirely irrelevant if you can’t get your loan approved even when the market is booming. No matter how appealing the timing is, you won’t be able to make any decisions if you are not financially prepared to buy a house. Even though each state in Australia has different property cycles, most experts all agree that the Australian property market is a ‘hot market.’ A stable economy, low-interest rates, low unemployment rate and a growing population, are all key factors need to increase property values. 

Also, various government policies and development plans accelerate the growth of some areas of Australia. Australia ticks all the elements for real estate price growth and the Australian property market is likely to grow in the future. Of course, different states will have different growth rate, so you are correct if you think some cities’ real estate price are not growing as fast as Sydney. Back in 2003, Sydney showed the slowest growth while other states were experiencing a steep price increase. What you see in the current real estate market is all part of the natural property cycle. Hence, as property markets go through consistent ups and downs, the best time to purchase a house is when you are financially ready to make that purchase. Unless there is a massive economic crash in the future, the property market is highly unlikely to collapse. 

So, making a swift decision for long-term gain, rather than short-term, will provide better returns for your investments. In other cases, the selling timing is more important than the buying timing, and you should spend more time thinking about your selling strategy. Our clients monitor the market for 5-7 years after their purchase and jump into the sales market after their 7th year of ownership. There are various ways to enter the world of property investment. University graduates who have started their full-time jobs or married couples with a newborn are likely to struggle in saving for deposits. In this case, we recommend you to look into fund management products instead of term deposits for better returns. There are also various financial products that will help you save up for seed money.  Our consultants at Riche Consulting will analyse your financial status to create the best portfolio for you.

MIYI KIM/梯嘐檜\檜餌

Managing Director/FP

Direct 0404 174 930

Riche Consulting Pty Ltd/Sydney Head Office

Suite 23/809 Pacific Hwy, Chatswood NSW 2067

+61 2 9410 1818, 1817

Riche Consulting Pty Ltd/Melbourne Office

Suite 4/1 Ricketts Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149

Riche Consulting has a workshop related Property Investment as a regular basis not only in English but also in other different languages.