Ahmad Almaududy Amri, University of Wollongong, NSW

Ahmad Almaududy Amri-OZIP
Ahmad Almaududy Amri.

PhD Candidate in International Law

Ahmad Almaududy Amri, akrab disapa Dudy, adalah diplomat muda yang bekerja di Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) Republik Indonesia. Ia adalah lulusan termuda Sekolah Dinas Luar Negeri angkatan XXXV (Januari-Oktober 2010). Sebelum bergabung dengan Kemlu, ia sempat menjadi pengacara junior di MR & P Law Firm, Jakarta (Mei-Desember 2009).

Setelah magang beberapa bulan di Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Canberra, ia berkesempatan mengikuti Kursus Singkat Diplomatik untuk diplomat Junior di Clingendael Institute, Den Haag, Belanda. Kini Presiden PPIA yang hobi bermain bola itu tercatat sebagai kandidat Ph.D di Wollongong University dengan fokus penelitian pada bidang Keamanan Laut di Asia Tenggara, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Laut, Hukum Kelautan dan Kebijakan.

Ahmad Almaududy Amri-OZIP
Ahmad Almaududy Amri.

Pada tahun 2013, Dudy menjabat sebagai Wakil Ketua Umum PPIA Pusat. Pada tahun yang sama ia dipilih untuk mengetuai PPIA University of Wollongong. Satu tahun kemudian, Dudy dinobatkan sebagai Ketua Umum PPIA Pusat Periode 2014/2015. Pada Simposium Internasional PPI Dunia yang diselenggarakan di Jepang pada bulan September 2014, Dudy dipilih oleh perwakilan PPI Negara dari berbagai penjuru dunia sebagai Koordinator PPI Dunia.

Dudy Meraih gelar sarjana hukum dari Universitas Sumatera Utara pada tahun 2008. Ia kemudian mendapatkan dua gelar master di bidang hukum dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (2010) dan hubungan internasional dari Universitas Indonesia (2011). Pada kedua gelar tersebut Dudy merupakan wisudawan termuda. Dudy menerima Australian Leadership Award Scholarship dari AusAID untuk pendidikan Doktoral (S3) di University of Wollongong.

Ahmad Almaududy Amri (Dudy) is a Diplomat from Indonesia. He works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) of the Republic of Indonesia. In 2010, he successfully passed the highly competitive Junior Foreign Service Course, MoFA, where he was the youngest in his batch (Batch XXXV, January to October 2010). Dudy was formerly a junior advocate at the MR&P Law Firm, Jakarta (May to December 2009).

After interning for several months at the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, he had the opportunity to do a Short Diplomatic Course as a junior diplomat in Clingendael Institute, Den Haag, Holland. The PPIA President’s hobby is playing soccer and he is a Ph.D candidate in Wollongong University with a focus on research in the field of Water Security in South-East Asia, International Law, Maritime Law, Maritime Law and Policy.

Ahmad Almaududy Amri-OZIP
Ahmad Almaududy Amri.

In 2013 Dudy was chosen as the Vice President of the Indonesian Students Association in Australia (PPIA) National. In the same year he was elected as the President of the PPIA University of Wollongong.  The following year Dudy was elected as the President of PPIA National 2014/2015. During the International Symposium of the Overseas Indonesian Students Association Alliance (PPIA Dunia) which was held in September 2014 in Japan, Dudy was chosen by the representatives of the Indonesian Students Association from all over the world as the Coordinator of PPI Dunia.

Dudy is a lawyer by training having finished his Bachelor of Law from the University of North Sumatra, Indonesia in 2008. He also holds two masters degrees, a Master of Laws degree from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, which he finished in 2010 and a Master of International Relations degree from the University of Indonesia, which he finished in 2011. Dudy also holds the distinction of being the youngest graduate in both master degrees. In 2012, he received an Australian Leadership Award Scholarship from AusAID for PhD degree at the University of Wollongong.