Sofia Marwah Zainal, University of Canberra, ACT

Sofia Marwah Zainal-OZIP
Sofia Marwah Zainal.

Student of Double Degree Program in Software Engineering and Business Informatics

Lahir di Bogor pada 17 Desember 1994, Sofia adalah mahasiswi S1 di University of Canberra (UC), Australian Capital Territory. Ia mengambil program double degree yaitu Bachelor of Software Engineering dan Bachelor of Business Informatics. Selama masa studinya, Sofia aktif dalam banyak aktivitas keorganisasian.

Pada periode 2012-2013, ia menjadi wakil ketua PPIA UC. Selain itu, ia juga aktif di UC Life Campus Society di tahun 2013-2014. Di tahun 2014, lulusan SMA Negeri 1 Bogor ini dipercayakan untuk menjadi event organizer untuk PPIA UC selama satu periode. Pada tahun yang sama, Sofia diamanahkan untuk menjadi koordinator Media dan Publikasi untuk Konferensi Internasional Pelajar Indonesia (KIPI) yang diadakan di Canberra, ACT. Dan pada saat ini, ia dipercaya menjadi Wakil Ketua Departemen Olahraga, Seni dan Budaya PPIA Pusat untuk kepengurusan 2014-2015.

Selain aktif di bidang organisasi, Sofia juga aktif bermain musik. Dia adalah gitaris di band akustiknya di Canberra dan pernah meraih juara 1 PPIA ANU Talent Competition 2014. Bersama band akustiknya, Sofia sering tampil di beberapa acara formal dan non-formal di Canberra. Di awal tahun 2015, ia menjadi pelatih group musik angklung KBRI Canberra sekaligus menjadi konduktor saat penampilan musik angklung di acara tahunan National Multicultural Festival, Canberra 2015. Di samping belajar dan bermain musik, Sofia mengisi waktu luangnya dengan bekerja part-time di sebuah kafe terkenal di Canberra.

Sofia Marwah Zainal-OZIP
Sofia Marwah Zainal .

Saat liburan tahun 2014, ia mendapatkan kesempatan bekerja magang di Kedutaan Peru di Canberra. Pada saat yang sama, ia juga bekerja secara sukarela untuk proyek teknologi informasi di Kedutaan Brazil. Di akhir proyek ini, ia berhasil menciptakan sebuah sistem database bernama “GEECTIC” yang khusus dibuat untuk Kedutaan Brazil.

Pada April 2015, Sofia berpartisipasi dalam konferensi 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies di Portugal. Ia mempresentasikan studinya yang berjudul ‘The Future of Mind Reading Computer’. Studi ini juga dipublikasikan di buku proceeding ‘New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies’ yang telah dicetak oleh Springer International Publishing.

Sofia was born on 17 December, 1994 in Bogor, Indonesia, she is an undergraduate student at the University of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. She is currently pursuing a double degree program in Software Engineering and Business Informatics. During her study, Sofia has been actively involved in many organisation activities. In 2012, she was appointed Vice President of University of Canberra Indonesian Students Society (UCISS) for the 2012-2013 period. Subsequently, she was also active in UC Life Campus Society in 2013-2014. In 2014, Sofia who graduated from SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, held the position of Event Organiser of UCISS for one term. In the same year, Sofia was assigned as Media and Publications Coordinator for the 4th Indonesian Student International Conference (KIPI) which was held in Canberra. Currently, Sofia is entrusted to become Deputy Head of Sports, Arts and Cultural Affairs Department of the Indonesian Students Association of Australia.

Sofia Marwah Zainal-OZIP
Sofia Marwah Zainal .

Her biggest passion besides organisation and management is music. Sofia is a guitarist and has been actively playing music with her acoustic band in Canberra since they won the first place in PPIA ANU Talent Competition in 2014. Together with her acoustic band, Sofia has been performing a lot at many events in Canberra. In early 2015, Sofia was tasked to train the angklung music group at the Indonesian Embassy. She was also a music conductor for the angklung music performance at the Annual National Multicultural Festival in Canberra.  In addition to that, during her spare time, Sofia also works part-time at a popular café in Canberra.

In 2014, Sofia spent her winter break doing work are more related to her study. Sofia got the opportunity to work as an intern at the Peruvian Embassy in Canberra. Around the same time, she was also working as an IT project developer at the Brazilian Embassy on a voluntary basis. At the end of this project, she managed to create an innovative database system platform called “GEECTIC” which was specially developed for the Brazilian Embassy.

Recently, she participated in the 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies in Portugal this April. She presented her research entitled ‘The Future of Mind Reading Computer’ which now has been published in ‘New Contribution in Information Systems and Technologies’, issued by Springer International Publishing.