Indonesian Independence Day Celebrations at the Indonesian Embassy, Canberra

On Friday the 17th of August, The Republic of Indonesia celebrated its 73rd year of Independence. Six students from Saint Ignatius College Geelong accompanied by Ms Elana Cole, Ms Julia Hall (Head of Languages), and College Principal Mr Michael Exton were personally invited by the Indonesian Ambassador His Excellency Bapak Kristiarto Legowo to attend the official celebrations at the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra. After the initial welcome, students witnessed a flag ceremony, the Independence Day Proclamation, a performance by Indonesian pop star Michael J, before enjoying a traditional Indonesian banquet. Indonesian language skills were put into practice, as students deepened their intercultural understanding of Indonesia.


Students were presented with acknowledgement of their endeavours to strengthen bilateral relations with a certificate from His Excellency, his Deputy, and the Attaché for Education. This is the third year that staff and senior Indonesian language students from Saint Ignatius College, Geelong have been personally invited to the Indonesian Embassy for these prestigious celebrations, and a commitment to an ongoing relationship between our College and the Embassy was made at an official ceremony following the formalities.


Following the formalities, students reflected on this experience with a visit to the Australian War Memorial, before heading to The National Art Gallery to explore the Indonesian section there.

Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada Yang Terhormat Bapak Dubes, Yang Terhormat Wakil Dubes, Bapak Iwan, dan Mas Gede untuk pengalaman yang tak bisa terlupakan ini.


“Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan, Happy Indonesian Independence Day!”


Text and photos: Elana Cole