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Home 2018 November

Monthly Archives: November 2018

How to Aussie BBQ like a pro

A barbecue, barbeque or BBQ is a quintessential part of Australian culture. It’s not uncommon to see thousands lining the banks of the Yarra...

Petualangan Sanboarding di Moreton Island

Jika Anda berwisata ke Queensland, jangan lewatkan keseruan berselancar di atas papan di bukir-bukit pasir Pulau Moreton. Pulau Moreton berjarak tempuh empat jam dengan...

Game of Thrones

Popularitas serial televisi “Game of Thrones (GoT)” belakangan makin melangit di Indonesia, menyusul pidato pembukaan yang disampaikan Presiden Joko Widodo saat Pertemuan Tahunan Dana...

National Batik Day 2018 “Lestari Batikku, Lestari Indonesiaku”

It was Friday, the 13th of October. The bright October sky was filled with catchy music and gleeful chatter as the National Batik Day...

Peresmian Monash Arts Herb Feith Indonesian Engagement Centre

Pada Kamis (25/10) lalu, Faculty of Arts Monash University (atau disebut Monash Arts) menghelat acara peresmian lembaga Herb Feith Indonesian Engagement Centre (HFIEC). Acara...

Menelisik Jejak Kedatangan Islam di Australia

Sejak kapan Islam masuk ke Australia? Adakah pengaruh dari sejarah Islam di Nusantara dengan pekembangan Islam di Negeri Kanguru? Masjid apa yang pertama kali...

Indonesian AIYEPers get a taste for Aussie Rules and BBQ

In Australia, two experiences which we consider uniquely Australian are having a BBQ and playing Aussie Rules. On Sunday 21 October, at the iconic...

A Sunday Afternoon of Music from Indonesia and Thailand

The first public performance presented by Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music officially launched on 28 October 2018 at Monash Pavillion, Clayton Campus. The...

Indonesian Food & Trade Festival 2018 : Tigapuluh Dua Tahun Mempromosikan Budaya Indonesia

Sabtu (27/10) lalu, Perhimpunan Warga Indonesia di Victoria (PERWIRA) menggelar acara tahunan Indonesian Food and Trade Festival (IFTF) di Box Hill Town Hall. Acara...

“Game is on!” AIYA+ISLA+AIYEP Trivia Night

Rabu (10/10) lalu, sekelompok pemuda yang tergabung dalam Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA) cabang Victoria menyelenggarakan acara Trivia Night bekerja sama dengan anggota Indonesian Studies...