Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for Your Body

Work hard play hard – so goes the age old adage. The phrase itself encapsulates and embodies the need to strike a delicate balance between toil and fun. This need for balance is applicable to everyone in every field of work. In this particular case however, we will zoom in on a particular high intensity business venture which prides itself as having one of the most intense workload comparable – the world of entrepreneurship.

Indeed, managing your own business and growing your cashflow may sound like the ideal scenario. One of the most popular benefits of being an entrepreneur is the fact that you will be able to work at your own time. This is, however, not entirely true. While you will indeed work, it may not always be at your own time. It takes a monumental amount of consistent and backbreaking effort to grow a business from scratch and your own business is no exception. The only difference with an office work is that now you will be able to take the time spent on the office to your own business, developing something that is uniquely yours. The workload, however, remains the same and sometimes even increases.

That is why, on 19th June 2019, the 11th Space invited fellow entrepreneurs out there to come and sit for an evening of community gathering and talk. Located at the crowded road of 580 Collins Street, Melbourne, the two speakers (also husband and wife), Louie Qu and Dr. Yichen Ong, were both getting ready to organize the evening seminar. They were there to share some of their knowledge on how one can keep healthy while hustling hard with the help of a proper exercise, good sleep, excellent stress management and some additional supplement.


While you may not be categorically obese, you may notice the bulging stomach fat on you. Today, that bulge has been called by various cute names such as “pot belly” or “beer belly”. The cute names, however, belie the health risk posed by the excessive accumulation of body fat on the stomach which may lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death hitherto. That is why it is important to shave off several kilos off your tummy to ensure the continuity of your healthy life – and what better way to do it than with an exercise?


Dr. Yichen shared that having sufficient sleep is important in keeping your body healthy. While this may sound commonplace, recent study seemed to suggest yet another benefit in getting enough rest. Allowing yourself sufficient hours of sleep will encourage the growth of Natural Killer cells which in turn keep the growth of harmful bacteria and viruses at bay. So do get yourself comfortable and increase your snooze hours!

Stress Management

Health is not only physical per se. Having a healthy state of mind is just as important in keeping your health in check. Refresh and rejuvenate yourself after a hard day’s work will and you will find that your mind will start developing a much more balanced state and your body, a much stronger stamina. Do what you must to get the gear going but remember that even the best gear needs to be constantly oiled up to properly function.


By keeping your dietary intake in check, you will be able to plan a more balanced diet. A balanced diet will then ensure proper function of your body and a much more refreshing lifestyle. Louie Qu also raised her concern on the increasing number of birthday fruits in the market shelf, namely fruits which have been preserved for one whole year using preservatives. She cautioned that a diet which consists of only fruits may not always be healthy as well. 


Taking additional supplement on your own can help facilitate bodily function and complement missing nutrition. When all else fails and you do not seem to have the time to commit to a whole list of healthy practices, supplement can help maintain healthy bodily function when ingested in proper dosage.

There is no gain without pain, but living a life full of pain is not the way to go either. As the theme of the seminar goes, you should always “Hustle Hard, Stay Healthy”.

Text and photo: Edward Tanoto