Achmad Room Fitrianto, The Faculty of Humanities Curtin University, Western Australia

Achmad Room Fitrianto -OZIP
Achmad Room Fitrianto.

PhD Candidat, Economic Policy Development

Achmad Room adalah dosen dan peneliti di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya sejak tahun 2003 sedang menempus studi untuk meraih gelar doktor di Curtin University di bidang penelitian Pengembangan Kebijakan Ekonomi. Ia lulus dari Universitas Airlangga pada tahun 2002 dan memperoleh gelar Master Ekonomi Islam dari Program Pascasarjana IAIN Sunan Ampel pada 2007, serta gelar Master of Arts dalam Kebijakan Publik dari Murdoch University pada 2009.

Selain kuliah ia aktif dalam EDNA (Entrepreneurship Development Networking Asia), program pengembangan jaringan pendidikan kewirausahaan yang diprakarsai oleh University of Sydney di lima universitas di Asia. Room mewakili (Lembaga Pengembangan Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis Islam) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya sebagai universitas mitra di Indonesia.

Achmad Room Fitrianto -OZIP
Achmad Room Fitrianto bersama seorang kawan.

Pengalaman organisasinya dimulai ketika ia terlibat dalam kegiatan pers mahasiswa di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Airlangga dan menjadi Pemimpin Redaksi Majalah Ekonomi Sektor. Pada tahun 2008, bersama para mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang belajar di Murdoch University, ia mendirikan MUISA (Murdoch University Indonesian Students Association) dan ditunjuk sebagai ketua pertama. Pada tahun yang sama, ia diminta menjadi sebagai Ketua Cabang AIPSSA di Murdoch University.

Pada 2012 ia dipercaya sebagai Ketua Departemen Pemuda dan Olahraga PPIA-Australia Barat dan setahun kemudian menjadi Wakil Presiden CIMSA (Curtin Indonesian Muslim Student Assoaciation) salah satu klub anggota Curtin Student Guild. Sementara itu di pertengahan September 2014 ia diberi mandat sebagai Ketua Bidang Internal  PPIA Pusat. Sejak 1 Desember 2014, ia terpilih sebagai presiden CUPSA (Curtin University Postgraduate Students Association), menjadi mahasiswa Indonesia pertama yang terpilih sebagai Presiden.


Achmad Room Fitrianto -OZIP
Achmad Room Fitrianto.

Achmad Room is a lecturer and researcher at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya since 2003. He is currently on study leave in order to pursue a doctorate degree at Curtin University. He graduated from Airlangga University in 2002. He earned Master of Islamic Economics from the Graduate Program of IAIN Sunan Ampel in 2007, and earned Master of Arts in Public Policy from Murdoch University in 2009. Currently he is pursuing a PhD program at the Faculty of Humanities Curtin University with a research field of Economic Policy Development (development of Economic Policy).

At the moment Achmad Room plays an active role in the EDNA (Entrepreneurship Development Networking Asia), a network program on entrepreneurship development initiated by the University of Sydney in five universities in Asia, where Achmad Room represents the Centre for entrepreneurship and Islamic Business   Development of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (LPKBI-Lembaga Pengembangan Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis Islam) as a university partner  in Indonesia.

His organisational experience begins when he was involved at the Faculty of Economics Student Press Association of Airlangga University and in 2000 became Chair Editor of the “Sector” Economic Magazine. In 2008, together with others Indonesian students who were studying at Murdoch University he founded MUISA (Murdoch University Indonesian Students Association) and was declared as the first chair of MUISA. In the same year, Achmad Room also  chaired the AIPSSA’s Chapter at Murdoch University. In 2012, Achmad was also appointed as Chair of the Youth and Sports department of PPIA-Western Australia and then a year later was requested to become the vice president of the Indonesian Muslim Association Curtin. Three months later at CIMSA, Achmad Room was also elected as CUPSA Vice President (Curtin University Postgraduate Students Association) one department at Curtin University Student Guild. Meanwhile in mid September he also applied and joined PPIA National Council and was appointed as the coordinator of the internal affairs department. Last but not least, one month after joining as PPIA national council he joined the Curtin Student Guild election and elected as CUPSA President, he became the first Indonesian student elected as CUPSA President.