Mikaela Joedanto, atau biasa disapa Miki, memiliki potensi besar di dunia model dan fashion.
Wajah ayu khas Indonesia, ditunjang kulit tanned eksotis, postur yang ideal, disertai kepribadian yang humble dan ramah, akan menjadi modal utama Miki untuk melanjutkan langkah kaki menggapai cita-citanya.
Putri pertama pasangan Joedanto Tirtodipoetro dan Indah Kristianawati ini, mempunyai minat yang tinggi di bidang fashion industry. Melakukan photo session dengan Miki menjadi moment yang menyenangkan. Selain ekspresif, Miki sangat kooperatif, dan mudah diarahkan. Begitupun saat wawancara, Miki menjawab pertanyaan OZIP dengan relax dan hangat.
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke 72, OZIP sengaja menampilkan cover dengan nuansa merah putih. Mikaela anggun dibalut kebaya modern dengan sentuhan glamour karya Ganda Marpaung. Kamipun melanjutkan obrolan ringan dengan Mikaela tentang Indonesia dan nasionalisme di sela-sela pemotretan.
Ozip (O): So, what is Indonesia for Mikaela Joedanto?
Mikaela (M): Indonesia is very special for me. I love everything about Indonesia, the culture, the food… and of course because I have my family there. We try to visit Indonesia at least once in a year.
O : What do you love most about Indonesia?
M: Bali! I really like going to Bali. So many things you can do there, so many things to explore. I want to have more time to explore the island. The beaches, the views are so relaxing. I’ve been to Jakarta, but that city is too busy. Of course I like Surabaya too, because my family lives there. Even though Surabaya is a bit boring for me, but I love the food! Especially sate ayam, lemper and martabak! And one more thing, I want to go to Mount Bromo. This mountain is very close from Surabaya.
O: What do you think about the diversity in Indonesia?
M: I think it’s really great! That’s why a lot of people love to travel to Indonesia. Obviously, it is a beautiful country. You can go to so many places and each place is different from each other… different sightseeing stuff, different view. That makes Indonesia so wonderful.
O: Could you describe what is the meaning of nationalism for you?
M: I have two different nationalisms. That is Australia because I live here and I grow up here, and Melbourne is a home for me. But in my heart Indonesia will always be there. My culture, my family, the things we do, the food that we eat, the way how my parent raise us with Indonesian way of life is really thick in the blood!
Katrini Nathisarasia
Photo: Ineke Iswardojo
Wardrobe: Ganda Marpaung
Model : Mikaela Joedanto