Monash Beri Gelar kehormatan untuk Kevin Soetjipto

Kevin Alexander Soetjipto-OZIP
Prof. Kearney bersama perwakilan pihak keluarga alm. Kevin Alexander Soetjipto. Foto: OZIP

Hari ini, Senin, 16 Maret 2015, Monash University secara resmi memberikan penghargaan berupa gelar anumerta (award of posthumous degree) Bachelor of Commerce bagi almarhum Kevin Alexander Sutjipto. Gelar tersebut diserahkan langsung oleh Dekan Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomi Prof. Colm Kearney kepada Juanita So yang mewakili pihak keluarga.

“Kevin adalah mahasiswa yang luar biasa. Nilai-nilainya sangat bagus yang menandakan kemampuanya menyerap seluruh perkuliahan,” ujar Prof Kearney dalam sambutannya. “Penghargaan ini sangat layak untuk diberikan kepadanya. Kami bangga dengan prestasi akademik yang sudah dicapainya.”


Fr. Christopher Dowd memimpin memorial service untuk alm. Kevin Alexander Soetjipto. Foto: OZIP
Fr. Christopher Dowd memimpin memorial service untuk alm. Kevin Alexander Soetjipto. Foto: OZIP

Penghargaan untuk Kevin itu merupakan rangkaian dari upacara penghormatan (memorial service) yang dipimpin oleh Fr Christopher Dowd, Catholic Chaplain, Monash University. Turut hadir Konsul Jenderal RI untuk Vicoria dan Tasmania Dewi Savitri Wahab beserta staf dan sekitar 40 orang kawan  lamarhum dan perwakilan Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Australia (PPIA) ranting Monash University. Upacara berlangsung khidmat dengan iringan musik dari Monash University Catholic Choir.



Monash Gives Honorary Degree to Kevin Soetjipto


Today, Monday, 16 March 2015, Monash University formally awarded in the form of posthumous title (award of posthumous degree) the Bachelor of Commerce to the late Kevin Alexander Sujipto. Prof. Colm Kearney, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics presented the title to Juanita So who accepted on behalf of Kevin’s family.


Kevin Alexander Soetjipto-OZIP
Monash University Catholic Choir dan perwakilan MUDIKA Choir.

“Kevin was an exceptional student. His grades were very good indicating an ability to absorb the content of the entire course,” said Prof. Kearney in his speech.  “This award is very worthy to be given to him.  We are would be proud of the academic achievements he was able to accomplish.”


Kevin’s award was given at a memorial service led by Fr Cristopher Dowd, Catholic Chaplain, Monash University. Also present Consul General of Indonesia for Victoria and Tasmania Dewi Savitri Wahab as well as staff and about 40 of his friends and representatives from the Indonesian Student Association in Australia (PPIA) Monash University branch. The solemn ceremony took place to the commencement music from the Monash University Catholic Choir.
Foto: doc. OZIP