Bachelor of Accounting
Ia lahir dan besar di Jakarta dan mempunyai latar belakang keluarga yang berkebudayaan Padang, Manado dan Belanda. Ia tumbuh di keluarga yang menggemari musik sehingga sejak kecil sudah senang bermain alat-alat musik seperti drum, gitar, dan piano. Ricky juga sempat menjadi penyiar radio di salah satu stasiun radio anak muda terbesar di Jawa Tengah.
Ricky memulai pendidikan Diploma of commerce di Australia pada tahun 2005, di Curtin International College, Perth. Ia melanjutkan pendidikan Bahelor of Management & Marketing di Curtin University of Technology. Pada 2007 Ricky bergabung dalam Curtin Marketing Association sebagai Sponsorship Director. Tahun 2010 bekerja pada salah satu perusahaan minyak dan gas terbesar di dunia sebagai Contract Analyst dan aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan sosial maupun olahraga yang diadakan perusahaan sehingga mengantarkannya untuk mendapatkan Chevron Award pada tahun 2011.
Tahun 2012, Ricky kembali memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya di Charles Darwin University, mengambil Bachelor of Accounting. Ricky bergabung dengan Charles Darwin Univeristy Student Association sebagai Student Representative Council pada tahun 2013 sampai saat ini. Ia juga aktif dalam PPIA dengan bergabung bersama PPIA NT tahun 2013 sebagai Liaison Officer, 2013-2014 sebagai Ketua Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia PPIA Pusat dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Sekertaris Jenderal III yang membawahi NT, WA & ACT.
Ricky Juga aktif dalam kegiatan keagamaan sebagai penyanyi dan pianis di gereja. Selama di Darwin, ia mulai mengasah bakatnya dalam bidang musik dan hiburan yaitu sebagai Professional Disc Jockey atau lebih dikenal sebagai DJ. Ricky adalah DJ di Charles Darwin University dan di salah satu club ternama di Darwin. Berbagai prestasi telah diraihnya yaitu semifinalis Limelite DJ Competition Darwin Australia dan semi finalis Stereosonic DJ Competition, Perth Australia. Ricky juga tampil dalam berbagai event di Darwin maupun di luar yang menjadikannya sebagai DJ Indonesia atau WNI pertama di Darwin yang menjadi Resident Club DJ di Darwin bahkan di Australia.
Ricky was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. He has a unique family background from West Sumatera (Padang ), North Sulawesi (Manado) and the Dutch. Born in a family of musicians, made him fall in love with music, which leads him love to play various instruments such as drums, guitar and piano. He was a Radio Announcer for one of the famous youngster radio stations in Central Java.
In 2005, his journey in Australia began by entering Curtin International College, Perth Australia majoring in Diploma of Commerce, then continuing his study through Curtin Univeristy of Technology, Perth Australia as Bachelor of Management & Marketing. In 2007, Ricky joined Curtin Marketing Association as Sponsorship Director. In 2010 he worked for one of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world as a contract analyst and participated actively with all of socials and sports events which led to him being bestowed an award named, Chevron’s Award.
Ricky decided to continue his studies in 2012 undertaking a Bachelor of Accounting through Charles Darwin University Australia. He joined with Charles Darwin University Student Association as a student Representative Council in 2013 until now. He started with PPIA in 2013 as Liason Officer for PPIA NT and obtained a role as a Head of Human Resources Department in 2013-2014. In 2014, Ricky was elected as a 3rd secretary general which has been a crucial responsibility in coordinating NT, WA, & ACT.
Ricky contributes actively in church activities as a singer and pianist. Outside the church activity, while in Darwin he started to improve his skills as a professional Disc Jockey. Ricky is a Charles Darwin University Resident DJ and Resident DJ in one of the clubs in Darwin. He is the only Native Indonesian who made a semi finalist for Limelite DJ competition Darwin Australia and a semi finalist for Stereosonic DJ competition for Perth Australia. He has performed in several events in Darwin and other states which makes him the first native Indonesian DJ who performs regularly in Darwin and even across Australia.