Agus Koesasih & Team of iProperty Melbourne: Honest service from the heart, a key to success

There are a lot of challenges in starting your own business – especially in a foreign country. Thus is the story of iProperty Melbourne, a real estate agency with a goal in providing a boutique real estate experience. Started less than seven years ago, iProperty belongs to the lesser pool of success stories, still growing and expanding ever since its genesis on the 24th of November 2011. Now a team of four, iProperty’s success is the result of its the blood, sweat and tears of the solid team Marco, Gus, Kate and Ievan.


From the bottom up

Agus – or Gus – admits that there has always been an entrepreneurial spirit in him. After delving deep in the world of commercial and residential real estate, working for the likes of TT Global, Ray White and Noel Jones, he finally decided to switch the brakes on working for other people and jump on the entrepreneurial bandwagon, being his own boss.

The first challenge he encountered was setting up the basic things a new company would need – a company name, logo, website and emails setup, as well as a host of reliable employees. “All of this process was made easy by the help of friends and a vast existing network of contacts who are already in the business,” says Gus.

Finding listings was the next major challenge. Again, friends and contacts, namely from the Indonesian community in Melbourne, helped pull the business up from the ground.


Recipe of success

As business starts to roll, Gus’ own work ethic and delivery of quantifiable results proves to be the goldmine for the business. As he continues to win clients’ hearts, the power of word of mouth starts to show.

“The recipe of success in this industry is to give an honest service with a sincere heart,” states Gus. “Respect the opportunity and trust that clients have put on us and deliver results through hard work.”

Gus makes sure that all iProperty employees, including himself, have two common traits, that is, the forever desire to learn and humility. “In my experience, maintaining good relationships with fellow colleagues and external stakeholders is the most important non-monetary capital needed to stay afloat and expand in the real estate sector. The more interactions you have with customers, the happier and satisfied they will be.”

What’s the result of a happy customer? More customers!


Tips to succeed in starting your own business

Starting your own business as an Indonesian in Melbourne may be tough. Many have fallen, yet many have also reaped the fruits of success, like Gus.

“The biggest and most important advice I could give for people wanting to succeed as an entrepreneur actually love and enjoy what you’re doing,” Gus says.

For him personally, customer success and satisfaction are key to keep the motivation and energy going. Besides that, being hardworking, honest, knowledgeable, and have good interpersonal skills are key traits for business-owners to hit success in today’s saturated entrepreneurial age.

You can get in contact with Gus by visiting his office at 307/227 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, or call to (03) 9639 9280.


Text: Rachel Melisa

Photo: Agus Koesasih